Anti-Inflammatory and Gut Healing Morning Tonic

I stopped drinking celery juice about 6ish months ago. For no major reason other than the fact that it was kind of a pain to juice every morning and I wasn’t seeing the benefits that I had seen for the first year and a half of drinking it. I wanted to replace this with another morning beverage that was hydrating, alkalizing, and anti-inflammatory. Our liver’s detox at night, usually between 2 and 4 am, making our bodies acidic when we wake up the next morning, so I wanted to create something that would rehydrate and flush out the toxins. A large glass of water is great for this, but I decided I wanted to kick it up a notch and add more nutrients. Suja juice has a drink called “lemon love” that is sooo refreshing and so good. My mom introduced me to it a couple months ago and it is so addicting. It’s also $5 a bottle and really only has lemon juice, filtered water, stevia and cayenne pepper. I figured I could easily make my own version, but add a few more things that would make it even healthier. So I created my own morning tonic that is anti-inflammatory and good for your gut health! The turmeric in it is super good for fighting inflammation and both turmeric and the aloe vera are great for gut health. There is added black pepper to help with the absorption of the turmeric and cayenne to get your metabolism going. This drink is also very hydrating and alkalizing because of all the fresh lemon. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!



4 lemons, peeled

1 orange, peeled

5 inches of ginger

4 inches of turmeric

1 cup aloe vera chunks, freshly cut from the plant or 3/4 cup aloe vera juice

1/2 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper


Peel your produce and one by one run it through your juicer. Transfer the juice from the juicer into a blender and add the aloe vera, black pepper, and cayenne pepper. Blend until everything is fully combined. You should end up with around 16-20 ounces of liquid. Pour this into a pitcher or glass jar and top with enough water to make the tonic equal to 32 ounces total. Pour 6 ounces of the tonic into a cup each morning and top with another 4-6 ounces of water before drinking it. Enjoy!

With love,

